DUMKATI LT COL NOEL ELLIS 11/IV/2024 We generally tend to remember people by their nicknames. Many are christened due to their special traits. This was very common in our school. We had students who were ‘long’ not tall, ‘Dandu’ who kept showing his teeth, ‘Helen’ who danced well, ‘Budda’ who had greyed too early, ‘Battee’ because his roll number ended with 32 etc. Mom had a special knack in keeping nicknames. She used to name animals and birds around the house due to their colour and mannerisms. Like Bhoori was a brown bitch, Kali was a black one, Kankati had a split ear, Langroo was a rooster which walked with a limp and the list went on. There are many people in our colony whom we don’t know personally but have given them nicknames due to their typical deportment. For example ‘Recipe Uncle’, who during his walks, talks non-stop about food and pickle recipes. Then there is an Aunty whom we call ‘Bak-Bak’ aunty. During her walks she forgets that she has her earphon...