They say, watching fish swimming around can bust all your stress and tension. Strain oozes out of the body like liquids draining out of a muslin cloth. The brain gets refreshed, & eyes feel refreshed. Nerves soothe and emanate new energy. The calming effect which engulfs the soul is inexplicable. That feeling is better experienced than expressed.
Mood becomes upbeat. It is also an eliminator of anxiety one may be carrying advertently or inadvertently. One feels loved and cared for by these tiny finny creatures, who cannot give you anything back physically, but can heal you psychologically and emotionally.
A mutual bond starts to build up. Moment, they feel your presence, the fish start congregating. It is in anticipation of food also. They expect you at a particular time. One has to be punctual, not for any military parade but for them.
One doesn’t feel lonely in their presence. As if you are communicating, though silently. Jerky and erratic gestures disturb them and they dive down. Once they feel the coast is clear they rise up to the surface to continue the silent tête-à-tête. It is a sign of the trust they have in you. With trust comes a lot of responsibility on one’s shoulders.
To keep fish happy and stress free in return, you are the medium. Their food, water quality, temperature and other conditions have to be maintained. The churning of water for oxygenation, their hiding places, planting water plants are essentials to make them live longer and give you pleasure for more days. ‘Hides’ for childbirth have to be created. The least you can do to gain so much.
Watching fish helps you to slow down. It breaks your monotony and habit of being glued to either the idiot box or the mobile. Instead of watching aquarium ‘wall papers’, it is better to see them live, creating that same illusion for you.
As they say, familiarity breeds contempt. When I put my hand in our makeshift pond, they muster up and start nibbling on it. Some even come and sit in the cup of your palm without fear. That is their personal bond with me.
When I started this hobby there were only ten fish. One recognised them and labelled them mentally. Over a period of two years, Guppies and Mollies have given birth and more fish have been added, swelling numbers into hundreds.
Now, I can differentiate between an adult, loaded, semi adult, juvenile, fingerling or new born etc. How does one comprehend that the fish are showing signs of sickness or old age, needs to be researched?
I tried naming them, Golu, Molu, chota, choti, chutki, chatanki, sustu, choti1, choti 2, orange choti, blackie etc. Then I ran out of names. Physically counting them is not possible and naming all is out of question.
As you observe , you tend to follow one fish. In this milieu, others just swim by unnoticed. The one under your observation dives down and disappears without you realising that her ‘clone’ has taken her place.
Their gentle flapping of fins is the real attraction. How they control their moves, the way they turn and dive. The way they scoot, resurface, or even go in reverse. The way they hold themselves still with just those tiny fins moving in wavy patterns is a treat to the eyes.
The way they nibble on their food and even contest for the pellets, is a treat to watch. They pass time munching and biting on algae which grows in their habitat. They sometimes pull down honeybees which come to gather water, as they bite at its legs, thinking it is food. Many bees drown in the bargain.
It is a pleasure to watch ‘male’ fish. Their dorsal and pectoral fins are distinct and bigger than the females and colours are prominent and shiny. Their display of fins when fully spread is a call to mate. Some fish have ‘dumbo ears’ or extended side fins. Some have split tails, some have spots, some are bi-coloured or multi-coloured. Each fish is distinct but to differentiate as a human is just not possible.
Everyday, I decide to sit for about two minutes with them or till the time they finish their feed. My schedule gets busted the moment they surface. When half an hour goes by, you just don’t know.
One thing is for sure that they bring a huge smile on your face. All unpleasant thoughts suddenly vanish. One is relaxed and the mood turns positive.
All those who have aquariums may agree. Will all those without one be ready to spend a little time at any aquarium to understand and enjoy another unique way of feeling rejuvenated and refreshed? I wonder!!!!!!!!
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