Winter is setting in fast. Morning walkers have now become late morning walkers. Jackets, Shawls, Caps, and Ear covers are out. Prediction this year is of a super cold one. It is time to gear up.
Our main concern was fish in the water lily tubs. One noticed that the fish had become sluggish and were not feeding that aggressively as they used to. They were even not chasing each other like they did hither to fore. These are some of the signs of fish feeling cold.
The bath tub fish were fine. Sun warms it up during the day. Issue is with the small tubs. This morning when I put my finger in to test the temperature of water, my reaction was as if an ice bucket had been thrown on me. As the fish are cold blooded, they can only show signs and symptoms of feeling cold. I wish we had blankets and quilts for them but they got to stay under the open sky.
I could feel their pain, when I found one small fingerling floating in a lifeless manner. Generally, they dart for cover on seeing anyone. Today, rest of the gang ran for cover except this one. I put my finger in the water to nudge it. It was too late for her. The little girl had frozen to death. Felt so bad.
Night temperatures have dipped quite a bit and it has taken its toll. In all the seven small tubs there were casualties. It was time for immediate action. No more deaths, I promised myself.
The first thing needed to be fixed in the big tub was a submersible water heater. One had purchased it but not deployed it. Luckily, none in the big tub kicked the bucket. However, their lethargy was an indication for what is in store.
Quickly, the heating rod was placed in the tub fully submerged as given in the manual. These days they make special ones for aquariums. Heaters are glass covered and shock proof. What if the current leaks? What if the water overheats? This gizmo has a temperature gauge and an auto cut off mechanism, if the temperature exceeds the setting. If temperatures are maintained, fish would be fine.
Now was the exercise of extraction of the baby fish from the small tubs. By instinct they go and hide behind the various shells & stones kept in the tub. All the hiding places had to be removed and checked before putting them away as some fingerlings could get carried alongside the shells.
One had to borrow a ‘tea strainer’ from the kitchen, as the fish net is too unwieldy to catch the tiny ones. To acclimatise them, temperature & water quality of the water they were about to enter had to be almost the same. Only then they could be poured into the main tub with the heater on.
It wasn’t an easy task. It was fish by fish. The naughty ones buried themselves in the sand. Once water got disturbed, the murkiness became a hindrance to trace them. It didn’t take much time to get the hang of catching them. It took two hours plus for all fish to be caught from the five tubs and transferred.
All of them were born in the big tub. Now they have grown to about an inch in two months. One had to doubly ensure that not one fingerling got left behind. No more loss of fish was acceptable.
As the sun rose, one faced another issue. Earlier it was wasps, now it was Honey Bees who have taken over the berms of these containers. Bees must be building new hives this winter.
With a little first hand experience of beekeeping, I noticed that there were three kinds of bees. The little ones which are called the ‘Choti Makhi.’ Then the medium ones, which are commercially used by beekeepers. Then the huge ones which live in the wild. All were in harmony.
These bees were hugging the sides of the tubs to collect water. A few of them gave me a warning to stay away by darting towards my face. I stood my ground and continued removing fish without intimidating them. One manoeuvred the sieve to get my fish bachas one by one, amongst the buzz of the honey bees.
Finally, they all were in the big tank with conducive water temperature. They must have felt at home. Water lilies can continue to grow in the small tubs. All's well that ends well.
How severe will this winter be? I wonder!!!!!!!!!!
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