Now that one has time to devote to gardening, I find it is a fantastic hobby for sure. As the confidence within grows, one experiments, twists and tweaks manure and soil mix for better results. The weather plays a very important role though. Plants however adapt and tolerate all the nonsense one does.
One thing which does not have side effects is adding compost to the soil mix. Like they say, that there are no after and side effects of Ayurvedic medicines as they are extracted from natural resources, so does home made manure. They release nutrients slowly but steadily which are absorbed by the roots happily. They don’t react or show signs and symptoms like when steroids are fed to them. Even an overdose of organic manure only gives better results.
Another experiment which probably has given me good results is the utilization of aquarium water. Once in fifteen days when the bottom of the fish tank is cleaned and all debris is siphoned out, it is poured into the pots as a trial. There have been no damaging effects. Rather fish poop they say is good for plants because the water becomes nitrogen enriched.
The best results have been by use of finely ground mustard seed cakes. It is so rich in nutrients which are essential for hibiscus. Instead of making a soluble mix and fermenting it for a few days as shown in various videos, what we do is to grind it fine in a mixer grinder and make small paper packets. A teaspoon of powder is embedded in the pot to slowly release its energy content to the plant.
The results are seen which translate into the size of flowers. Besides, plants show deep olive green leaf colour, which are shiny, appear happy, well hydrated and well fed. A great indicator of the health of a plant is the sheen on the leaves. Mustard cake powder has also acted as an antifungal powder of sorts. There has been no root rot or mealy bugs/aphid attack since they have been fed with it.
Direct tap water contains lots of chemicals which are added for its purification. Even if water is hard, when fish swim in it make it balanced plus their droppings become a drop of gold for plants.
One has a dream. With such good results, that too in this arid zone, without a green house it is a dream to see more flowers everyday. With about fifty hibiscus pots of various colours. Shapes and sizes, the dream is to see one flower in each pot blooming on the same day. That would be the day.
One has added some more new colours recently. They are in nascent stages. We are waiting for them to show buds in due course. Hibiscus has a three to four month cycle for blooming. One will just have to wait patiently and look after them with all our heart and soul.
Seasonal flowers have now gone. Hibiscus are work in progress, till they start spreading happiness again. In the interim, we are planning to shift our focus to the ten o’clock flowers or portulaca. They will see us through as the summer heat picks up. Is there any other alternative? I wonder!!!!!!!!!
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