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Furrrrrrrrrrrrrr is the most appropriate expression to describe a small bird taking off. Sparrows and Bulbuls have a ball darting in and out of our garden. Every branch and every creeper are known to them by heart. Sometimes, I fear that they might snap a vine with their weight but it seems the creepers love their company as they free them from insects.


As time goes by, the birds are no more afraid of human presence. Rather they understand that these guys refill their feeders. I am sure that they will pick up grains from our hands soon. Their excitement is palpable, the moment the lid of the grain box is opened. Their frenzy becomes understandable when they watch me making roti into tiny morsels. Patience seems to be running out. They hop from branch to branch, pot to pot in anticipation of food. The Furrrr-furrrr sounds have become music to the ears.


Our fish too are getting used to them. Moment a bird zips past, all of them dive to the bottom of the tank. Otherwise, they keep swimming on the surface all day. There are a few naughty ones too. Some seem to catch things out of thin air. In the bargain, they fall out of the tank. A few of them perished before they could be put back. Now we keep the level of water a little lower to prevent them from going on any mis-adventurous journey.


A very strange thing happened yesterday. I was sitting in the drawing room reading something, when I heard a knock and a disciplined knock at that. Tak-Tak-Tak. This was repeated. The door was ajar and I could see no one. Who was knocking then?


Through the tinted window I saw a bird stuck on a jade plant branch. She was trying desperately to break free. She was probably trying to get my attention to come and set her free. A sparrow also understood her distress and came to help. This little birdie would swing on that small branch and knock repeatedly. The Tap-Tap-Tap sound got me on the move. Reminds me of the song, “knock three times on the ceiling if you want me…..” by Tony Orlando & Dawn.


Moment, I approached the pot, this bird realised that danger was close by. She loosened her clutches and off she went furrrrrr right past my ears. I realised that she was seeing her rival in the mirror which the window was creating and was pecking it to shoo off the contender.


Then I spotted Mr TikTok the chameleon on the hedge of our common garden. I went to say hello. The bushes were lush green but our friend was pale yellow. I made a remark.


You are supposed to change colours depending on the colour of the branch you cling to. Yes, he said. But here, I have no danger and I don’t believe in changing colours like some people do, unless my life is in grave danger. I rather dart into the bushes and return when all is clear.


You have a point, I said. As the people I am referring to change colours faster than the speed of light. They are unpredictable, untrustworthy, unreliable, dishonest, undependable, always in fear of losing their ‘perch’ and kind of deceitful sort of people.


I heard my wife call out for breakfast. My tummy was rumbling and I could understand the plight of the birds before I fed them in the morning. Furrrrrrrr, I ran inside. What was served to me? You wonder!!!!!!!!





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