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Showing posts from November, 2023


  This Bird makes my DIL KHUSH 💙


  MEETING THE CRANES   LT COL NOEL ELLIS 25/XI/2023   On the onset of winter the arrival of ‘Demoiselles Cranes’ all the way from Mongolia begins. They travel more than 4000 + kms for about 150 odd days to breed and feed till they return with their brood in March. They start in late August and land here by mid November. The other day, I spotted them from our roof top flying in formation of an inverted V. Their loud calls caught my attention. One could just catch a fleeting glimpse of the flock. ‘Khurjaa’ as these cranes are locally called are now regular visitors here. The village is ‘Guda Bishnoi’ which is about 10 kms from where we stay. They use it as their annual wintering grounds. Many cranes get injured, many die due to fatigue & hunger. Many fall prey to predation by the Eagles during their long and arduous journey. It is not easy to fly at altitudes ranging from 16000 feet to 26000 feet. They fly over the icy Himalayas to reach here. At the ...


 ❤️ DIL KHUSH ❤️ date with Cranes at GUDA
  FLIGHT OF CRANES   LT COL NOEL ELLIS 13/XI/2021   The other day I got an invitation from an acquaintance to photograph the abundant bird life around her school. Adjacent to that school is a huge pond where migratory birds congregate every year. It is time for them to come. Last year due to unavoidable circumstances I had missed them but this year, I shall not miss the opportunity to see them live. It happened so that I had just finished breakfast and browsing messages on the mobile. There was a distinct and familiar chatter in the air. I was sure these were migratory cranes. They call each other at regular intervals. I rushed to pick the camera and scooted to confirm if what I was thinking was true. It definitely was. Over the years my ears can recognise a few ‘bird sounds’. There were more than a hundred in this flock. There was no time to check the camera settings. It was just a click followed by lots of clicks. Mind you, they are fast. Before one realised one could j...


  Beautiful Bee Eater DIL Khush 💚


  FLOWERS OF LABOUR   LT COL NOEL ELLIS 12/XI/2023   Let me make an honest confession about things that have brought so much happiness in our lives. It is nature. To get closer to it, we developed the hobby of ‘gardening’. It is so satisfying, so gratifying, so heartwarming, so rewarding, that it has become nourishment for our souls. Many of us cannot pursue gardening due to space and other constraints. I want to request them, if it is not possible outdoors, start indoors. Losses should not deter you from abandoning a source of happiness. We have lost count of our plant losses. Every loss gives a heartache, but then every bud and bloom revivify the soul from within. People passing by our small garden during their walks halt to have a look. There is nothing special, but just a row of pots in straight lines. Folks just cannot help appreciating. Our friend circle has increased, thanks to the plants. What more pleasure can one ask for! People cannot believe that it is a ‘DIY’...


  Isn't she a beauty 💙 DIL Khush


  STOP POLLUTING   LT COL NOEL ELLIS 10/XI/2023   I believe that the Supreme Court of India is going to give a verdict on the pollution levels in Delhi. One order and pollution will be obliterated from India. I wish that magic wand works. ISI agents from the neighbouring country are actually responsible for all this pollution. They have deployed jumbo air pumps which have changed the direction of trade winds. We all know, they cannot stand our PM, therefore it is all the more prudent for them to use the latest satellite systems built by their own ‘SUPARCO’ (The Na-Pak space agency) to divert smoke and smell towards our capital so that decisions get fudged. It was on a social media platform stating that a UFO had been spotted in Delhi. The Airforce must have been scrambled; I am not sure if they have war gamed fighting Unidentified Flying Objects. ISRO must have diverted all satellites towards Delhi. Airforce was unable to take off in zero visibility. ISRO ...

Powder Puff

  Powder Puff makes my Dil Khush 💙

Three different rowsEllis' 🩷Garden

  Three different rows in the Ellis' Garden  Dil Khush💚

My Birdie friend

  My Birdie friend makes my Dil Khush ❤

ELLIS' Garden

 Darling Hibiscus in our garden DIL KHUSH💚


  A DIFFERENT KIND OF KHO KHO   LT COL NOEL ELLIS 04/XI/2023 Most of us have played the game of Kho-Kho in our childhood. Such a simple game, no special equipment. Just two poles at each end of the row of players who sat on the bare ground. Without going into the technicalities, let me confess it was physically tough for both teams. Dodging was an art, part, and technique of this game. You needed stamina and strength both in your legs and mind. Anticipating the other person's moves gave you better chances to win. However, deceiving your opponent of your next move, dodging him both with swift change of directions and body dodges had to be top class to catch the opponent or escape his clutches. This morning a lone electric pole reminded me of the same game. I floated from nostalgia to the present in quick succession. There was this bird sitting on this high pole all alone, watching from a height all the activity happening on the ground, as well as in the air. It wo...