Let me make an honest confession about things that have brought so much happiness in our lives. It is nature. To get closer to it, we developed the hobby of ‘gardening’. It is so satisfying, so gratifying, so heartwarming, so rewarding, that it has become nourishment for our souls.
Many of us cannot pursue gardening due to space and other constraints. I want to request them, if it is not possible outdoors, start indoors. Losses should not deter you from abandoning a source of happiness.
We have lost count of our plant losses. Every loss gives a heartache, but then every bud and bloom revivify the soul from within.
People passing by our small garden during their walks halt to have a look. There is nothing special, but just a row of pots in straight lines. Folks just cannot help appreciating. Our friend circle has increased, thanks to the plants. What more pleasure can one ask for!
People cannot believe that it is a ‘DIY’ garden. Every day, my wife and I love to get our hands soiled. A snip here and a clip there is all that is needed. In one glance, one knows if the plant is thirsty or sick or needs attention. We converse with them everyday; they still manage to surprise us. This morning was one of those days.
Most of you would know about Rajanigandha or Tuberose. It has been with us for almost four years plus, since they bloomed. We could not understand the reason for it. Leaves would sprout and turn lush green. Those few bulbs even multiplied, as the number of plants kept increasing but sans the flower stalks. This flower has such a subtle & sweet smell. One can enjoy the aroma from a distance.
A stalk has emerged. Since then, we have been beaming with smiles from ear to ear. The watering and manuring we did all these years without losing hope has brought us results.
The second heartening news is from our water lily garden. During the rainy season just gone by, we had shifted their tubs from the ground floor to the rooftop. The main reason was sunlight. In the shade, they bloomed but were not comfortable, which was indicated with fewer leaves and small flowers.
The moment they found sunlight aplenty, fresh leaves started sprouting. The comparison was, that down below, if they had four to five leaves, on the roof there were more than ten in each pod. They needed manure for flowering for which we had enough cow dung and mustard cake powder.
From small bath tubs they were shifted to pots without bottom holes. Their tubers and bulbs were re-potted. All extra roots and muck were cleared for the flowering season. And boy, did they reciprocate. I haven’t got tired of photographing them from every angle possible. Never had we thought we would be privileged to see such beautiful creations.
A time comes when the flowering stops when winters start approaching. Temperatures here have fallen drastically, as the chill in the air is a signal for the onset of winters. This is the time water lilies go into dormancy and will return to their zenith next spring.
The twist was this morning’s inspection.
A lifeless bulb was floating in one tub when the mud was churned and the main plant was transferred to another pot. It almost got thrown away. Good sense prevailed and it was left in its tub. In October, one tiny leaf sprouted from that ‘cherry tomato’ sized bulb. Today, there are three buds which are showing. Within this week we should have flowers. The colours would surely be revealed in due course of time. Our hearts are filled with joy.
Such small delights can bring on a non-stop smile. Through you positive vibes get transferred to anyone you come in contact with. There is a sense of achievement, contentment, gladness, and satisfaction that the labour has brought fruits/flowers. We would be delighted if this article motivates a few of my friends to start this hobby. Will they try it? I wonder!!!!!!!!
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