

They say if you wish for something with a noble heart, it gets fulfilled. Had I asked for the moon, I would have got it today. Was it a coincidence? I am not sure. To find out please read on.


A friend of mine had asked me about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ insects in a garden, on which I wrote an article. In that, I had mentioned a kind of grasshopper called the ‘Locust’. It is a bright yellowish green insect. It is sometimes seen in our garden. They create havoc if found in swarms, but one or two do not harm much.


After writing the article, I wished I had a photo of the Locust. Digging it out from the archives could add colour but that would have been time consuming.


Having posted the article, I walked out of the house to check on the blooms of the day. There was a large variety with vibrant colours gracing the garden. A treat to the eyes and soul.


Just then my eyes fell on a bamboo stick supporting a vine. There was something unusual sticking to its tip. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I found a ‘locust’ sitting there.


They say, google spies on you. Moment, you search for something on the net, you start seeing ads related to your search. On Facebook, it is the same. Search for a thing and there would be reels and suggestions for you to watch. Sometimes when you talk about a particular subject or object amongst yourselves, it starts showing on social media. How do they do it?


Today, it was the exact opposite. I wrote about an insect and instead of social media showing it to me, there was a live insect right infront of my eyes.


I observed it for a while to absorb that it was really true. This guy also with his black and shiny eyes looked at me and twitched its whiskers, as if it already knew that I came as a friend rather than a foe. Probably, it had been noticing me in the garden and knew that I meant no harm.


My first observation was that it was a ‘langru’. One of its hind legs was broken. I had had a similar encounter with a Grasshopper with a single hind leg and had named him Mr Hopper. I removed ‘grass’ and let ‘hopper’ stay for the same reason. I had written his story too. This locust was sans a leg could not be another coincidence. I named it Mr ‘Ocust’. His ‘L’ was missing. I chuckled to myself though ‘his clan’ may be calling him by some other fancy name.


As usual, I got into a conversation with him. I told him that I have seen ‘pirates’ with one eye covered with an eye patch or some with hooks in their amputee hands. How did he manage it? I asked.


Well, he said, I too am a pirate by nature. We loot and destroy crops, eat plants till nothing is left or till we have satisfied our hunger. Why are you in my garden, was my obvious question? Have you come to destroy and cause harm to our darlings?


No, he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. I have come here to hide from predators. I find the foliage here a safe place to stay. I am also recouping from my leg injury. A giant ‘dinosaur’ crushed me under its black feet, not once but twice. I was lucky to survive but I had to leave my leg on the road.


You should have flown across, I said. Yes, I could have, but my date was sitting on the road beckoning me. I was walking up to her, singing and chirping to woo her. Then this ‘white’ dinosaur appeared without a warning. I had no chance to escape. Thank God my girl friend did. You mean a ‘Fortuner’ ran over you, I said. I do not know what you call it, but it was huge and heavy. It gave no warning either.


I had fractures all over, even my wings got dislocated. But thanks to your garden, I found a refugee to rest, recoup, and rehab. I see, I said. What about your girlfriend? She has gone with my cousin staying in the garden next door. Believe you me, I walked up to the neighbours garden and out flew two Locusts from within the hedge.


Well Mr Ocust without a L, feel free to use our garden space to get fit and soon, our 'get well' wishes are with you. But let me warn you, in case you decide to munch our plants, you shall be shown the door.


“Ocust” smiled and bid goodbye. Could this be a coincidence? I wonder!!!!!!!





  1. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  2. Mr Hopper & Mr Ocust have provided you with good interesting tales. Nice to know that there are so many latent talents (heros & heroines) in your Dilkhush Garden. Good piece.

    1. Thank you very much sir, your kind words mean a lot to me

  3. Excellent Noel....


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