COOOOHOOOO LT COL NOEL ELLIS 28/VI/2022 The song of the Koel can be heard from miles. Cooohooo-Cooohooo. They sing, they dance and chase each other through the trees. Then they come to roost at their favourite place, like we have our favourite restaurants. Here there are numerous Neem and Pepal trees. It is mating time for these beautiful birds. Their favourite eating joints are mating joints also. However, when it comes to lay their eggs, they are smart. Koel’s will on the quiet find a crow’s nest, drop its eggs in it and let the crow do the rest. How fascinating! Their cooing is also a signal for the onset of monsoons. The weather has cooled down quite a bit. Temperatures are now bearable. Two pre-monsoon showers have brought the bird activity to...