The heat is ‘killing’ this year. Very soon we might
hear that it will be declared the hottest year of the century. In certain
circles there would be discussions on global warming, pollution, ozone layer
depletion and what have you. Once discussion is over, so is the concern for the
Here in the desert, we have the Central Arid Zone
Research Institute CAZRI, & Arid Forest Research Institute AFRI doing
research. Sand dune stabilization schemes, free distribution of saplings which
can survive in the desert, soil survey and all kinds of expertise is available
here. Their impact is also visible but lots more needs to be done.
Trees have come up but more than what have been
planted, have been felled for urbanisation. This I have seen with my own eyes.
Urbanisation is now slowly eating up on spaces which lay barren at one time.
The old Khejri and Jaal trees are biting the dust one by one. Villagers are
selling their land to builders and contractors. Basic reason is that most of
the year the land remains fallow. Crops are totally based on monsoons and rain.
With each sign of a cloud, they till their land,
sow seeds and then wait in desperation. If the skies are generous nothing like
it. If clouds hover and move away without shedding a drop, seeds become feed
for birds. The farmer has nowhere to go.
Need of the hour is “greenification”. Today, if I
say that we are staying in the greenest colony in the Sun City, it won’t be
wrong. Every tree, every bush, every blade of grass is maintained, in spite of
the losses. The STP is the biggest source of water here, therefore not a drop
goes to waste.
In the desert the basic factor for survival is
water. I have visited many “dhanis” in the middle of the desert with not more
than ten kuchha mud huts during my Army tenure. A ‘well’ with brackish water
used to be their life line. Sweet water was rare. Ladies ferrying water,
carrying seven matkas on their heads was a common sight. They understood what
one drop of water meant.
Underground wells were quite deep, some more than
four hundred feet. A pair of camels were used to draw water from such deep
wells. The container which brought water to the surface used to be a camel skin
container or a ‘Mashak’. I can vouch for it that normal people would spit that
water out due to its saltish taste. But then that was survival for men and
If one has to learn rain water harvesting, it is
from the ‘desert people’. The Khu or Kuan aka well) were the most precious
things on earth. Ladies would ‘leepo’ an area of about twenty to thirty meters
around each well maintaining a gradual slope towards the well. Every drop of
rain water that fell would trickle its way into it. Could there be a better
tasting water than rain water?
One must observe a villager of this place drinking
water. He would cup his hand and pour water from a container into his ‘hand
cup’. Not a single drop would ooze out or overflow from his hand. If you give
him a glass of water, he would pour it straight into his throat. You could see
his Adam’s apple go up and down with each gulp and not a drop is wasted. Water
would be had as per requirement. Rest of it is returned to the matka without
the water getting ‘Jhoota’. The importance of water is not known to those who
buy Bisleri bottles and keep chucking them out of the car, garam ho gaya hai
There is a need to grow trees. For that you need
water. If water is not available, doing campaigns for tree plantation drives
don’t work. It is criminal to plant a sapling and then blame it on the weather
when it burns it crisp with no water to firm its roots. Campaigns for just
photoshoots are a waste.
Environment has to be protected, failing which we
all shall suffer. One tree per Indian every year should be the target. Saving
water is also equally important as that could be the reason for the next world
war. One drop by every individual on earth per day can contribute to one
flowing river.
Talks and discussions are all right, but to
translate those thoughts to the ground is a different ball game. I am not
discussing the plastic menace here but that too needs to be addressed. Every
individual who walks this earth has to contribute. When would we understand
these simple things? I wonder!!!!!!!!!!
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