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If someone is wearing a white shirt with blue stripes and a matching ill fitting pyjama. This person stands in line for food which is a ‘watery’ kind of dal and thick rotis as hard as stone are given to them to eat. What comes to the mind?

High above on the boundary wall, an observation post keeps a keen eye on them. At night a search light revolves around their abode. High walls, barbed wire fences, ferocious guard dogs are all around. Inmates stay in smelly & dirty cells.

After long years in “Umr Kaid”, a man walks out of a trap door in the main door. Someone offers a fag and a light. The ‘first puff’ to freedom goes deep into the lungs. This person swears to get the real culprits behind the bars and prove his innocence.

This is a story of “Qaidi number 804” and his country, locked up in Attock jail.

A heartthrob, a Casanova, a cricketer, a philanthropist turned politician who rose to become the PM of his country, lands up in a prison because he took a panga with people who actually run the country. He had two choices, to become a ‘deserter’ like others or go to jail, he chose the latter.

This country has a history of sending their PMs to jail. First one was Hussain Shaheed Suhrawardy, then Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, then Benazir Bhutto, then Nawaz Sharif, now Imran. Who would be next?

Imran did this ‘peshangoi’ (prediction) that he will be sent to jail and he proved to be Nostradamus. Now he rots thinking about the ‘mustakbil’(future) of his country. He wanted to transform his country to ‘Naya Pakistan’ but landed up in jail for doing so.

A court verdict in the Toshakhana case ordered him to be released. Alas, this was one verdict in more than 150 cases filed against him. He shall continue to languish in jail for the rest of his life.

Imran is 70 years old and got a small reprieve from a sentence of 3 years. Imagine, if he has to serve one year each for the rest of the 150 cases against him, he would be 220 years old. Probably by then there would be no Pakistan left.

His country is in dire straits. Foreign debts are mounting. Dollar has crossed the 300 Rupee mark and increasing. Fuel prices are unaffordable. Pakistan is not being offered membership of any organisation. Their ‘Biradar Mulak’ look down upon them. Their ‘internal strife’ is hammering their security forces. Afghanistan is breathing hard on their neck. With a caretaker government at the helm, where do they go? 804 sits in jail twiddling his thumbs, waiting hopelessly.

The people are on the streets in protest of exorbitant electricity bills. One-unit costs sixty-five bucks and rising. The actual Bijli Chors includes their ‘Sarkari Mahakmas’ and ‘Ashrafia’ (people who govern them). Common man is stuck between the devil and the deep sea.

‘Gosht’ which they love to eat is turning them into Dal-Roti eaters. Atta on the other is 150 Rupees plus a Kg. People are pawning jewellery and utensils to buy food for their children. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

Hope they adopt small family norms and stick to one wife ‘with protection’, otherwise…….

Jailbird number 804 can do sweet nothing even IF he wins elections. If and when they are held. His country which was Amreeka Hafiz, followed by China and IMF Hafiz is now Allah Hafiz.

Their begging bowl already has big holes and such leaks cannot be plugged. A sorry state of affairs, which 804 is also partially responsible to push his country in .

Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s words are coming true, that if required they shall eat grass for a thousand years and bleed India with a thousand cuts. Time has come for Pak to actually eat grass and bleed internally from the cancer they knew they were suffering from but ignored its symptoms and avoided medicine.

India had been too magnanimous all these years but is ignoring this ‘beyond redemption’ state on purpose. Their intellectuals want to restart a dialogue with us, but with a selfish motive.

Paki arrogance, misadventures and egos have brought them down to their knees. The price of which their countrymen are paying today for no fault of theirs. Pakistan is ready to implode,

India must remember that a ‘crooked tail’, even if kept in a bottle for decades, curls back once released. Even if Qaidi number 804 is released and becomes PM again, he doesn’t have a magic wand to revive his country like any other PM of their country. India better be prepared for all contingencies.

If Imran is Qaidi Number 804 what Qaidi numbers were allotted to the other jailed Paki PMs? I wonder!!!!!!!





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