It happens on your lucky day that you ‘catch’ what was eluding you for so many days.
It was while taking a walk on the riverfront about two years back, I saw from a distance a row of small birds sitting on an ‘High Tension’ wire running across the Jojari River. A black and white bird, about six to seven inches or so, with a distinctive white chest, scanning for food as the sun came up.
It was difficult to get a clear picture due to the distance. Then swooped a kite and the whole ‘flight of swallows’ also called a “gulp” vanished. One of them did not take off in time and was caught in the talons of the Kite. Some feathers drifted down to the river and the kite flew away to have a hearty breakfast.
It was then I noticed that these birds are fast fliers. They skim over the water surfaces looking for insects, which is their staple diet. Swallows are also masters of catching insects in flight. These birds stay near the human population. Our colony being ideal, with a water body in close vicinity makes a perfect habitat for them to flourish.
In the evening today, armed with my camera, I took the flight of steps to the roof to feed our fish. Having done so, I saw a couple of swallows gallivanting around, zipping at tree top height at top speed. Their ‘calls’ are short shrill squeaks.
A thought occurred to me that if I could catch a bird or two in flight would make my day. I tried but the bird was too small and too fast. I caught a pigeon & a crow instead.
Luck was on my side. One of the swallows came and landed on one of the window sills of our staircase. It looked tired and was panting. She was breathing through her mouth. A thought occurred: did she come for a drink? How could I offer her water? Or, was it carrying out recce to build a nest.
I haven’t ever seen their nest. They say that they make a ‘half bowl’ nest with mud affixed to cliffs or sides of high banks or even sides of buildings.
Their name says it all, ‘wire tailed swallow’. There are two distinct small tail feathers like wires jutting out from their back side. I saw this bird about five meters from me. The light was low and fading due to the thick cloud cover. Still this bird posed for me with poise and grace.
Thank you Ms Swallow. I would love to follow you. Please select our home to make your nest. Will she listen to my request? I wonder!!!!!!!!
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