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A gardener can never be satisfied with the number of plants in his garden. Given a choice he/she can bring a whole nursery home. Every time a thought passes his mind that there is no space left. Then he gets more plants. Space gets created out of thin air. I speak from my own experience.


We are grateful to our neighbours who have allowed us to use their garden space as they stay in the US. All my planting and manure making activities happen there. Besides, all plants which go into dormancy are shifted with their pots into their ‘Hathaa’ as they call it here. That space is also running out fast.


Well, the trigger to this article is my new “Shagufa”.


The other day I went to pick up Neem Khali at a fertilizer store. To visit that store, one has to go on a bike due to chaotic traffic and congestion. On the way back there is a nursery. Prices of plants are very reasonable. Now that I know the owner, he gives me a handsome discount too.


The nursery was teeming with plants and he was giving a terrific discount on roses. Imagine, a potted and grafted rose plant with costs ranging from 300-500 bucks depending on the season and quality, he gave it at throw away prices. I couldn’t believe my ears. I shall return with my car, I told him, as nothing much could be stuffed in a backpack.


He always shoots a question about a plant to me. Most of the times I get stumped like I did that day. He showed me a plant which I knew very well but just could not recollect its name. I picked up the plant, had a good look, ran my fingers through its leaves, even plucked its leaf, crushed it and smelt it. It was so familiar, but the name eluded my memory. I said to him, when I return, I will definitely let him know.


On my next visit I picked up six rose plants. They would be new to our garden as till date roses were never part of it. He gave me two free with six. Probably, the season had gone and people were not picking the plants. The peak flowering season is over. I selected the best ones.


If this was not enough, on my second visit, this guy was pruning Adeniums. They were mature plants, very elegant and buds were showing. The size indicated that they must be 3-4 years old. Such plants cost a fortune. Starting price was 500/-. He smiled, as both of us knew that I wouldn't buy them.


The ‘Keeda’ inside me to now have adeniums as part of the Ellis’ Garden had already been sown. I have another friend who runs a nursery online. He too gave me a good bargain. I ordered 12 plants of different colours straight away. Besides, to test what Amazon sellers send, a few were ordered from there too.


Friends, some investment is required to buy pots. Though there is no dearth of empty pots with us, however, these plants are different and are generally grown in shallow Bonsai pots to highlight its ‘cortex’ or the roundish globule at its base. The beauty of the plant is in its cortex, flowers come with the perks.


A visit to the local potter became mandatory. What I was looking for was not available with him. Either they were too big or too small or too deep. Then my eyes fell on watering bowls for birds which people keep at home. They looked perfect. A deal was done. He painted them for me complimentary with ‘geru’. That is what relationships are all about.


Planting a new species needs a thorough study. Can you believe it, reels related to adenium started popping up on my phone on their own. This plant needs “construction sand/Bajri as medium to grow. A well drained soil is the key. Luckily, a contractor working nearby spared two ‘kattas’ of ‘baalu/ret’.


Vermi compost/leaf compost, neem khali and a fungicide were already in my kitty. Making the potting mix was not an issue. 70% sand and 30% garden soil with a dash of fungicide and neem khali was all that was needed. The vendor had already shared info on how to go about planting them in great detail.


Process of planting has been done and dusted. Now the wait is for flower buds to erupt. Plants are bald sans leaves which should sprout soon followed by flowers. The sender has marked each cortex about the variety one had ordered. Once the plant shall flower, things will get confirmed.


Do I have space for another Shagufa in the garden? I wonder!!!!!!!





  1. There is always a place for new Shagufa 👌👌

  2. These shagufas only, result in the finding space within the already full space. These are like sand and water filling into a jar full of golf balls …… always place for more….. and I am reminded of your father’s place at Saikap. Always so dense with plants, birds, animals - both wild and pet.


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