As summer was fast approaching, we shifted fish from the main tank on the roof, to a makeshift one downstairs. A new tank could spell disaster for the fish. Sudden change of water, weather and other conditions affects them adversely. We prayed and hoped but were successful with very few losses.
A heater was required in February-March. Later, an air pump was added for oxygenation. A solar fountain was installed in the main tank to make use of bright sunlight. A sponge filter was kept standby, just in case the water quality dropped. Plus, every ten to fifteen days, thirty percent water is changed. Old water, with its ‘fishy deposits’ gets siphoned off and fed to the plants. It has proved to be an excellent natural manure.
Two black molly babies aka Teeny & Weeny had got left behind due to oversight in the main tank. The dilemma of leaving them there or to shift them down with the others kept bothering me. Our main concern was the torrid summer. I left them with a prayer on my lip. They adapted very fast.
To make some hiding places and shade, two pots with water plants were left immersed in that tank. Then the heat started to rise abruptly. A tile was placed like a bridge between those pots. It gave teeny- weeny some shade.
To maintain ideal temperatures between 24-28 degrees Celsius for fish under the blazing desert sun is very difficult. A ‘green shade’ was deployed. Half the tank was covered. Space was kept for the floating solar fountain. The fountain kept churning the water thus oxygen levels were maintained. Water jetting out of the fountain nozzles would cool it to a certain extent. The contraption worked. Teeny-Weeny are hale, hearty and happy.
One was in the habit of feeding the fish with ‘fish food’ twice a day, but teeny-weeny had such a big tank, full of planktons and algae all to themselves. Their feeding frequency was kept at twice a week. Even that was not needed. Though, the moment they hear me, they would surface and ask for food.
It is surprising to note the rate at which it grew. Their siblings in other tanks are still half their size while they are about two inches, like full grown mollies. Was leaving them alone the reason for their good health and growth? Or was it the availability of abundant natural food? This I have yet to discover.
In all this, there was a surprise in store.
Last season, due to my exuberance of shifting the water lily pot in and out of the tub for various reasons like cleaning and changing positions, the lily plant got damaged. Losing that purple water lily was heartbreaking. The leaves died and within days just a tuber was all that was left. That tuber was left submerged in one pot and forgotten.
Our happiness knew no bounds, when one saw water lily leaves floating on the surface of the tank. I thanked the almighty for reviving the plant. It is intriguing to see the way plants fight to live. Water lily plants are hardy, it was proved beyond doubt. They will provide a play field for Teeny-Weeny besides assisting the snails to lay their eggs under the leaves.
Now that the weather has cooled down and rains are in sight, would the water lily flower and Teeny-Weeny have babies? I wonder!!!!!!!!
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